Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Unit 1 book choices

In addition to the work in the three main books (Varney's, Holistic Midwifery, and Practical Skills Guide) and clinical hours... each unit I will have to select two books from the list (posted bellow) to take a test on and write a book review as well as a project.

For unit one the two books I have chosen are Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way and Spiritual Midwifery. For unit one the project I chose is to find referrals (pregnancy centers, WIC, abuse centers, etc.) in the area.

Tomorrow I am diving into the Bradley book (it will be my 3rd time reading it) to freshen up and hope to test for it in a week!

I also spoke with a friend who is so graciously allowing me to attend her hypnobabies birthing center birth! Im so excited and blessed to get to attend a birth in the next month or so!!

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