I have been asked numerous times my views and opinions on many things and it seams that when I answer the next question is "Why?" or "What made you decide that?". This post is a list of a few questions im often asked, my answers, and my personal experiences that led to my decisions. Remember, these are my opinions and even thought I feel strongly about them it does not mean I judge people who chose to do things a different way. Everyone has their own views, these are mine.
Natural Birthing:
Why go through all the pain of if you don't have to, why natural birth?
Birth does not have to be horribly painful! You can have a easy enjoyable birth without medication. My birth with Kade was minimal pain and it was all natural. For me the discomfort was worth it, being able to bring my baby into the world naturally with no drugs in our system was rewarding for me because I was doing what I believe to be best for me and my baby.
Why do you feel so strongly about birthing at home?
I feel strongly about birthing at home because labor is not a medical event. A woman with a normal low risk pregnancy does not need to be in a hospital, hospitals are for sick people and birth surely is not an illness! Women who want a natural birth have so many obstacles set before them when they step foot in the hospital. To name a few - Induction if you go "too far" post date, routine procedures (vaginal exams, IV, etc), being denied food and beverages, strapped to monitors... the list goes on. When a woman is at home she avoids all of those obstacles. Is this saying a woman can not have a natural birth in a hospital, no.
What is your opinion on different styles of care providers?
This is what I have personally experienced and also some of what Ive gathered from others.
OBGYN - I started my pregnancy with a OB and it took all of 3 visits to realize I did not like being under the care of an OB. I would arrive to my appointment and wait for about 30min, get called back pee then wait another 10min, get weighed and blood pressure taken then wait another 15min just to get called back into a room and wait another 5min to see the OB who would speak to me for all of 10min and then it was time to leave. In my opinion that is NOT good prenatal care. I will not bash on OBGYN's because they have a purpose and are greatly needed. But I feel they should be for women who are truly high risk and need the extra attention of a doctor during pregnancy and for well women care.
Certified Nurse Midwife - IF a woman is not comfortable birthing outside of a hospital a CNM is (usually) the way to go. You get the quality care of a midwife while being in a hospital, that is what many women want! However, you have to make sure you chose one that has the beliefs more of a midwife than an OB. I saw a practice of CNM's that worked under a OB during part of my pregnancy as well and I swear all four of them were brainwashed mini obgyn's. The care was no different than that of a OBGYN. So as far as my opinion goes if you can find a good midwifery based CNM its a wonderful choice and some do practice outside of the hospital as well... just be weary of the ones who are less naturally minded.
Certified Professional Midwife - CPM's practice only out of hospital, for women who want a home birth or to birth at a birthing center. This is (my opinion) one of your best options as far as birthing attendants go! The quality of care is far more superb than that of an OB or in hospital CNM from day one well into the birthing, including postpartum. To name a few pros - you have a direct line to your midwife, are never on a time crunch, know your care provider personally, know what to expect and that they support your birthing plans. And I will be fair and name a few "cons" Ive heard - a CPM can not give you an epidural, most have to send you elsewhere for an ultrasound, and does not have medical training (but thats okay because we already disused that birth is not a medical event, right?).
Unlicensed/Underground Midwifes - In many states there is not a licensing available for CPM's and a midwife attending a home birth (unless a CNM) can be found guilty of criminal charges. For that reason many midwifes living in those states dont get licensed, they can provide the same quality care as licensed midwifes they just are not able to receive the licensing. There are also midwifes who prefer not to be licensed so they can attend births that licensed midwifes are not supposed to attend due to regulations with the state (breech, twin, ect.). I am currently living in a state that does not have licensing for CPM's so if I have another baby while still living here I will most likely use a unlicensed midwife.
How long will you breastfeed? Ive gotten this question a few times and I cant answer it because I will breastfeed until he weans. My goal is 2 years... at a certain point I will stop nursing and continue to pump to give in sippy cups. Breastfeeding has nutritional values beyond the infant stage and I believe it is best.
Are you against formula feeding? Most don't like my answer so be warned... I am against formula feeding without at least trying breastfeeding for the first 6 weeks. There are far to many women who WANT to breastfeed and really can not, women who decide not to just because they don't want to truly take it for granted. Formula is nowhere as close to as beneficial as breast milk and their is no arguing that. If you can give your baby the best, why settle for formula? That being said, if formula has to be given (because in some cases its truly needed) its best to find a organic formula that has no additives, GMO's, etc.
Why did you decide not to give vaccinations? This questions usually ends up having thirty minute answer so I will shorten it up and just list a few reasons that are personal in our decision making. I dont believe in injecting my son with viruses so that he wont catch them? The ingredients... all I have to say is look them up! I don't want any fetus cells, aluminum, gelatin, ect. put into my child's body! I believe in boosting the immune system and being healthy so the body can fight off those sicknesses and viruses when they come around.
Why are you against circumcision? This is another question that usually has a long answer and ill shorten it up too. Again for me personally... my son was born perfect and whole the way God designed him, there is no reason to alter that. There is no cleanliness or infection issues if you take proper care, and guess what! Ive had to do no extra care for my son, you simply leave it alone until they are old enough to clean it themselves! This is a serious debate topic and I try not to go into it unless someone wants to speak about it but here is something to think about, Medicaid in many states wont cover circumcision because it is a unnecessary cosmetic surgery, what does that say about it?
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